If you are like me, come winter your skin starts to get dry and itchy. Even
though I live in the desert, my hands get rough and crack during the
winter. When I lived in Wisconsin, it was much worse. I can’t seem to
keep enough lotion on my hands. It may surprise you to know that the
solution just may be in the kitchen.
One of the things Dr. Mercola recommends is using coconut oil
to moisturize your skin. Coconut oil has many benefits. In addition to
moisturizing, it adds a protective layer of medium chain fatty acids
that are similar to the skin’s natural oils. This layer helps to heal
the cracks in our dry skin and aids in the prevention of infection.
Coconut oil is probably my favorite natural ingredient for personal care
as well as food prep. It does so many good things for the body and it
naturally smells wonderful.
Continue reading here... http://www.naturalhomemadesoap.net/2013/11/12/dry-itchy-winter-skin/